Waking up early is one of a thing at which I have failed at many occurences.
So, I got online Googled, binged spent time reading about it, researching it, devising strategies, experimenting it..alas equally spent time failing at it again too..
Intresting Things I have tried - the things which they claim as tricks and never worked are
So, I got online Googled, binged spent time reading about it, researching it, devising strategies, experimenting it..alas equally spent time failing at it again too..
Intresting Things I have tried - the things which they claim as tricks and never worked are
- Use multiple alarms - Definetly doesnt work. sometimes none of it ring.. Sad thing is who could you blame for it, If you didnt hear them ringing? I tried the max of 7 alarms.It Just doesnt work.
- Drink a tank - You wouldnt even sleep before before you are back in square one.
- Make the sleep comfortable - Like it wasnt and I am tying hard for it :P.Once Followed this and made the Room more airy like they said by opening up all windows for more fresh oxygen and next day I woke up full of cold and fever.
- Sleep early - Bwhaha, This just gives you more personal time with your device or network like laptop/mobile phone/twitter/Facebook/Reader
- Get a pet ? - Seriously? Not a wise move IMHO.
- Do not go to bed if you arent sleepy - and it becomes morning and sun pops up and smiles.
- Advertise you are going to wake up early - People laugh and after little more occurences they just ignore.BTW am even feeling foolish to have tried this.
- Use wake up call service - I want to wake up early, not to be woken up early by a third party.
- Avoid Caffenie - Just not works.The point is with loads of Caffeine I was able to wake up at times with *spoiler alert*
- Use a Random alarm tone - you think it is some one else's alarm. you are just wise to derive reasons.
- Use your favourite music as alarm tone - another funny trick. Wakes you up. you dont hit snooze and it times out. you wake up after some very long time and smile :)
- Hide your alarm clock - So that you would search for it, like hitting the snooze or dismiss the alarm is the first thing I need, there are times I had it close to my head and didnt even hear it ringing. I didnt even try this and it is just not my cup of idea.
- Gradually sleep early and you will wake up early - Gradually ? Let me not waste time explainig why it doesnt work. Just know it doesnt work either.
- Get someone wake you up - Again, defeats the purpose.I - I repeat _I_ want to wake up early and not to be woken up. But you know what ? This works and Moms are good at this.
Failing all these tricks doesnt mean I have never woke up early, I just couldnt wake up for the sake of waking up. and touch wood - I havent missed anything so important sleeping over it.
Trying all this, There are some things which I find working
- Do not sleep. awesomely perfect and simple. Just makes you lil tierd the next day. But it will be all ok.
- Just do not rely on any method/trick/device/people, Belive - If you want to wake up you will wake up. Philosphical but truth.
- Smell of breakfast - It just works :)
Though I feel exhausted of attempts, I would try if there is any intresting strategy which works or atleast would like to know if any tricks works for you.. Let me know.Drop a note.
and Stay good.Sleep good.
</rant off>
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